Turning Challenges Into Opportunities

Our Innovative Valve Solutions, Your Success Story
Starting at the moment an enquiry is placed with us, our ‘Customer Success Roadmap’ is designed to exceed your expectations. We begin by understanding your unique needs, then craft a customized solution that perfectly aligns with them. Our roadmap guides you through every step, from design and development to delivery and support, ensuring your complete satisfaction.
  • Customer Enquiry
    • Receive and acknowledge Customer Enquiry
    • Validate the Enquiry based on pre-defined Parameters

    Customer Enquiry

  • Understand Customer Requirements
    • Assign point-of-contact for the Enquiry
    • Conduct Virtual Meeting / Site Visit to understand the complete Technical Requirements
    • Discover exact "Pain Points" and ascertain both Explicit and Implicit Needs of Customer

    Understand Customer Requirements

  • Propose the best Solution
    • Chalk-out the best possible Solution for the Requirement
    • Get concurrence from the Customer

    Propose the best Solution

  • Design - Procurement - Assembly
    • Undertake detailed Product Design with required Accessories
    • Get final Customer Approval
    • Procure required Raw Material
    • Carry out Machining of Parts
    • Perform Final Assembly of the Product

    Design - Procurement - Assembly

  • Testing - Inspection - Certification
    • Conduct Internal Quality Testing of the Product
    • Obtain any Third Party Certifications, if required
    • Invite Customer for Pre-Delivery Inspection and Approval

    Testing - Inspection - Certification

  • Packing - Dispatch
    • Final QC Inspection before Dispatch
    • Packing as per Domestic or Export requirements
    • Final Product Dispatch

    Packing - Dispatch

  • Total Customer Satisfaction!
    • Support Commissioning at Customer Site, if required
    • Provide perpetual After-Sales Service and Support

    Total Customer Satisfaction!